A magnet attracts a non-metal

I let my walls down 

For a guy who wouldn’t bring me up.

He said he likes girls who like pink;

But I’ve always liked black.

He searches for the sunrise, 

While I await for the twilight.

I let my feelings flow

For a boy who wouldn’t let go of his past.

I love his smile,

But he hates his own smirk.

He prefers his coffee plainly brewed,

I want mine with milk.

I spend my time alone;


He spends his in a bar;


But lastly…

I was attracted to a magnet, 

But I was non-metal.

I knew I stood no chance.

I still had my hopes,

My wishes, my dreams.

But, alas, I accepted it;

He will never be mutually attracted to me.


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